From our many years experience with CAAs, such as EASA, LBA, FAA, CAAC, DGCA etc., we know that your company's compliance management and all associated manuals will not only be checked for content but also for linguistic correctness. We would like to support you in composing flawless texts that meet all formal criteria.
Proofreading / Copy-Editing of Airplane Flight Manuals, Quality / Compliance Manuals, Qualification Test Guides, Maintenance Manuals etc.
We check your contracts for linguistic correctness and logical consistency. Furthermore we consult you on possible risks (no legal advice).
Aviation Magazines
As the result of our many years of experience in the area of General Aviation, we will not simply proofread your articles, but we will also understand them thus being able to provide you with content consulting services.
Marketing Material
We will help you improve your slogans, brochures, leaflets etc. to the most comprehensive format. What enables us to do that, is the fact the we understand the requirements of pilots, airlines, flight schools and private customers equally.
Web Content
Your website is the most important advertisement tool representing your company. Flawless texts are mandatory, even more so when your website is bilingual.
Business Correspondence
A business letter or an e-mail can be decisive for the successful outcome of a business venture. Since most worldwide business communication is conducted in English, both your personal skills and your company's professionalism will be evaluated by your written communication. We proofread/copy-edit your letters/e-mails or we even write them for you, if you provide us with the necessary background information.